Statistic: |
Current heli data: |
108851 |
Ex heli data: |
165439 |
Photos: |
47256 |
Serial Number | 1548 / C273 |
Civil reg. | |
Mil. reg. | 7603 |
This helicopter when regd. to the West German Bundeswehr as 76+03 was SOC as PWFU since ? Noted stored as owned by the Luftwaffen Museum der Bundeswehr in Berlin Gatow in Hangar 3 since May 2004. Still there during 2006. Also in use as a travelling exhibit. This museum had a change of name to the Milit?r Historisches Museum (MHM) Berlin Gatow since the 1st of October 2011. On display in Hangar 7 as noted on the 27th of April 2018.
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